Regional funding programmes for heat pumps in Lower Saxony 2024

In Lower Saxony, there are attractive subsidy programmes for the installation of heat pumps that aim to facilitate the transition to more environmentally friendly heating systems. These programmes offer financial support in the form of grants, low-interest loans or tax incentives.

Funding opportunities in detail

  • Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG)
    Among other things, this subsidy supports the use of heat pumps for heating purposes. Depending on the heating technology used and the heat source tapped, the subsidy can amount to between 25% and 40% of the investment costs. An additional bonus is granted if the heat pump utilises water, ground or waste water as a heat source or if an old heating system is replaced by a heat pump.
  • KfW residential building loan (261)
    This programme offers a promotional loan for various construction and renovation measures up to an amount of 150,000 euros in order to achieve certain efficiency house standards. A repayment subsidy of between 5% and 25% is also part of the programme.
  • Tax incentives for replacing heating systems
    The renewal of the heating system in owner-occupied residential property can be claimed for tax purposes, whereby 20 per cent of the expenditure (maximum EUR 40,000 per residential property), spread over three years, is tax-deductible.
  • Heat pump districts
    Electric heat pump systems with measurement, control, regulation and transmission technology are subsidised specifically for selected residential districts in Lower Saxony. The amount of the grant varies depending on the type of neighbourhood and the technology, in addition to federal funding, with amounts between 500 and 7,250 euros.

Application and counselling

  • For the BEG grants is that Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) the responsible office.
  • The KfW residential building loan (261) you can order directly from the KfW Banking Group request.
  • The Tax incentives of the heating exchange takes place via the Income tax return.
  • Applications for the programme Heat pump districts must be submitted to the KEAN to place.

These programmes help to promote the use of environmentally friendly and efficient heating systems such as heat pumps and support energy efficiency and climate protection in Lower Saxony. For personal advice and assistance with the application process, in particular regarding the specific requirements and conditions of the individual programmes, you can contact the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony or directly to the NBank turn.

Further information on the funding programmes and application procedures can be found on the websites of the Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Lower Saxony and the NBank.