Regional funding programmes for heat pumps in Hamburg 2025

Overview of funding programmes

  • Renewable heat
  • IFB modernisation loan
  • IFB-WEGfinanz
  • Energy modernisation (A)
  • Comprehensive modernisation (B)
  • IFB supplementary loan

About the Investment and Development Bank (IFB) Hamburg

The IFB is an institution in Hamburg that provides financial support for projects and plans. Its aim is to promote economic development in Hamburg and facilitate investment in various areas of the city. The IFB works closely with companies, public institutions and private individuals to improve access to financing and successfully realise projects.

Renewable heat" funding programme

  • Goal
    Supports the use of renewable energies for heat generation in residential and commercial buildings.
  • Type of funding
    Grant, maximum 25 % of the eligible investment costs.
  • Subsidised measures
    Heat pumps, solar thermal systems, biomass heating systems.
  • Hint
    Contribution to reducing emissions and expanding renewable energies in Hamburg.

IFB Modernisation Loan" development programme

  • Goal
    Energy modernisation of residential buildings.
  • Type of funding
    Favourable loans.
  • Subsidised measures
    Installation of energy-efficient heating systems, insulation, photovoltaics.
  • Hint
    Supporting property owners with energy-saving measures and the expansion of renewable energies.

IFB-WEGfinanz" development programme

  • Goal
    Low-interest loans for energy-efficient refurbishment measures in jointly used parts of buildings.
  • Type of funding
    Low-interest loans.
  • Subsidised measures
    Insulation, window replacement, heating modernisation, renewable energies.
  • Hint
    Support for homeowners' associations to save energy and protect the climate.

"Energy modernisation (A)" and "Comprehensive modernisation (B)" funding programmes

  • Goal
    Energy efficiency improvements to rental flats and comprehensive modernisation measures.
  • Type of funding
    Favourable loans.
  • Subsidised measures
    Insulation, window replacement, heating modernisation, home renovation.
  • Hint
    Improving the quality of living, reducing energy consumption and contributing to climate protection.

IFB supplementary loan" development programme

  • Goal
    Additional financial support for various construction projects and investments in Hamburg.
  • Type of funding
  • Target group
    Companies, municipalities, private investors and more.
  • Hint
    Covering financing requirements that are not covered by other funding programmes.

Eligibility requirements

  • Craft businesses
    Installations must be carried out by registered tradesmen.
  • Application
    The application must be submitted before the start of the project.
  • Maximum funding amount
    500,000.00 per project.


  • Applications are submitted via IFB Hamburg's e-application portal.
  • The IFB checks the eligibility for funding and the amount of funding.


  • Cumulation with other subsidies is generally possible.
  • Maximum total funding rate of 60 % when grants and repayment subsidies are cumulated.

Helpful links to official programmes and offers in Hamburg

For detailed information on the individual programmes and their requirements, I recommend visiting the official websites of IFB Hamburg.